27 April 2010

Swim, Bike, Run ...

I started this campaign determined to continue my workout schedule.

It hasn't been easy. And I haven't been perfect. But one inspiration was our Santa Maria YMCA's annual triathlon. Once entered, I knew I couldn't stop swimming or running lest I completely embarass myself in the competition.

So it was last Saturday that I rolled out of bed, ate a banana and a bowl of oatmeal and competed in my second-ever triathlon.

And I'm happy to report that I finished!

Waiting for me at the finish line were my boys, all four of 'em. Dave took time from campaigning to snap a few photos, John helped dress the little boys in their baseball uniforms, and they all cheered me on.

Better than any medal was the sight of my family waiting.

Oh yes, and the free massage -- thanks to volunteers from the Santa Barbara Business College -- didn't hurt, either!


Unknown said...

You didn't mention that you came in second. Yeah!