03 January 2010

A Busy Week

The first week of the New Year promises to be a busy one.

In no particular order of importance, I've got to get the family ready for our photo session on Wednesday, help John register for a college class, get a website up and running, make a cheesecake for my friend's anniversary (strawberry, of course), and attend our first "Freedom Rally."

And did I mention that tomorrow is James's 12th birthday?

He's ordered hot dogs and french fries for dinner, a chocolate cake for dessert and a family movie night. I'm thinking "Dennis the Menace" because we've watched the National Treasure movies so many times I think we know them by heart. Ditto on Parent Trap.

But back to the Freedom Rally: I wonder if I should order buttons for the kids that say "My Dad is Running for Congress." Maybe that's a little schmaltzy, but I'm going to look into it.

Right after I finish frosting the cake.